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Who are we?

The group Septeo

Septeo, a software publisher founded in 2013 in Montpellier, is one of the Top 10 benchmark software publishers in Europe.

Today, with over 200,000 customers who use its software on a daily basis in their business, notary, lawyer or real estate etc. Septeo Human Resources is developing a solution entirely dedicated to human resources departments.

Thanks to its innovative technologies, the Septeo Group enables professionals to free themselves from time-consuming tasks so that they can concentrate fully on what matters most: customer satisfaction.   

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Septeo Human Resources: experts in the digitalisation of human resources

Inspired by our customers’ challenges, we have made a clear choice: the Best of Breeds.

Rather than spreading ourselves too thinly by creating features that are far removed from our core business, we focus on what we do best. We’re the best in our field, with over 25 years’ experience, and we’re joining forces to build a global, high-performance and perfectly integrated HR solution.

This approach guarantees our users an uncompromising experience:

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In every function, whether it's recruitment, HR dematerialisation, talent management, onboarding or performance management.

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A user experience

Uniform across our solutions, designed for every player in the company: HR, managers and employees.

Thanks to this philosophy, we don’t just develop HR software, we create an ecosystem of excellence, capable of evolving with your needs and transforming your challenges into opportunities. With Septeo Human Resources, you benefit from the best of each field, brought together in a coherent and innovative solution: mpleo.

Our values

Responsibility, fun and performance

As part of the Septeo Group, whose core values are performance, fun, responsibility and a strong commitment to CSR, we share this vision of excellence. These convictions drive our actions and support our ambition to transform HR practices over the long term.

Our concrete commitments

  • Reliability of the solution: Offering high-performance, secure tools designed to meet the needs of each of our users.
  • Customer satisfaction: Putting our customers at the heart of our approach by offering them tailored support and tangible results.
  • Employee satisfaction: Creating a stimulating and caring working environment that encourages our teams to be committed and to flourish.

These commitments reflect our desire to create HR solutions that combine innovation, simplicity and lasting impact, for the benefit of our customers and their teams.

Our partners

As a digital player in human resources for many years, Septeo HR Solutions has always developed an ambitious partnership policy.

Who are our partners?

We work with a wide range of players, including consultancies, integrators, complementary software publishers, specialist content providers and database publishers. This vast network of partners, both technological and commercial, based in Europe, enables us to offer our customers global, tailor-made solutions.

An open, connected ecosystem

Our HR solution is based on an open architecture that enables communication with a wide range of tools and simple interfacing with our customers’ information systems. This interactivity with third-party tools guarantees you a future-proof, scalable solution. It benefits from regular enhancements via standard connectors, APIs and web services. This direct connection with the entire HR ecosystem and business tools optimises your internal processes: reliability of internal information and systems, elimination of double entries and automated updates.

A network of trusted partners

Our network of certified distributors and partners is a natural extension of our teams. They are also human resources experts renowned for their know-how and support.

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Our SSO/LDAP partners

Our Payroll partners

Our ATM partners

Our LMS partners