Nos experts sont disponibles pour vous présenter nos solutions RH

Discover our software mpleo

Transform your Human Resources with an innovative and intuitive software

Discover how mpleo can help you even before your new employee arrives. Optimise your recruitment, onboarding, interview management, skills management and training, and automate your administrative processes. Make an appointment with our team now for a free, personalised demonstration of our software.

Invest in your Human Resources and improve your employee experience

Mpleo can help you improve the employee experience and simplify all your internal processes. By centralising your HR processes within a single platform, our software simplifies administrative management, optimises employee follow-up and strengthens employee engagement. Choose a simple, comprehensive and intuitive software that adapts to your needs, no matter the size of your business. With Mpleo, you save time on time-consuming tasks, improve your productivity and focus on what really matters: the development and satisfaction of your teams.

mpleo la solution rh digitale modulaire complète et intuitive

Why request a demo ?

simplifiez la gestion de vos candidatures

An innovative solution

faciliter les embauches

A personalised experience

un onboarding rapide

Tangible benefits for your teams

Why digitalise your Human Resources?

Here are some key figures to help you understand why companies are digitalising their human resources management.

57 %

The proportion of skills-based organisations that better anticipate change*

innover vos pratiques en ressources humaines c'est possible avec mpleo le logiciel rh complet et modulaire

210 hours

The average time HR managers spend per year on performance management*.

7K à 45K

The potential cost of unsuccessful recruitment, depending on the profile.

1 day

The working time saved per month for a company signing 30 employment contracts per month using electronic signatures.

Find out what our customers have to say

More than 200 companies have chosen Septeo HR and its HR software. We support these organisations, large and small, from a wide range of sectors and business areas, in transforming their Human Resources with mpleo.

client de Septeo HR Solutions la société d'aménagement de la Plagne

‘the solution has greatly simplified the work of our HR teams. We now have personalised access levels and a much more intuitive interface.’

Pierre-Yves Bonnet Responsable de la formation

témoignage fnac darty client mpleo

‘It was very easy to set up [...] Septeo HR's human dimension was much appreciated internally.’

Stéphanie Danuc Coordinatrice projet SIRH

Groupe Ovalt client du module gérer le recrutement

‘By freeing up our time on repetitive tasks, the tool encourages a more personalised relationship with candidates. The collaborative features have made it easier to involve managers.’

Anne-Hélène Oliva Adjointe de la Directrice des Ressources Humaines