We build tools that are interactive, flexible and capable of rapid development. Septeo Human Resources is a publisher of HR software and an expert in Human Resources, offering comprehensive, customisable Human Resources management solutions. Adaptable to your needs, our software covers every dimension of the HR function and is designed to simplify life for all users (HR, managers, candidates, employees, etc.).

We place our users, and above all our customers, at the heart of our strategy.

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Our vision

module gérer le recrutement de talents

We work with you to design, build and operate 100% digital solutions, so that your employees can connect, create and develop. Together

To keep moving forward, we need to embrace new technologies. But above all, it’s vital to take care of the men and women who make change happen.

As the world speeds up, social and societal issues are becoming increasingly complex. Needs and priorities are changing.

Employees have different expectations of their employers. They expect help to lighten their administrative burdens (administrative files, payroll management, etc.), so that they can concentrate on what really matters.

Your employees want to develop their skills and know-how quickly and be given opportunities to develop their careers. They want to connect with each other and find meaning in what they do. They expect a dialogue based on trust, enabling them to develop professionally, individually and socially.

To establish this dialogue, it is essential to put in place tailor-made tools that respond to their needs in a simple and interactive way, that are flexible and that evolve rapidly.

This is our ambition: to help you create the best tools, the best digital environment and the best dialogue with your employees. We help you to imagine, build and operate 100% digital solutions so that your employees can connect, create and develop. Together.

The role of innovation at Septeo HR

At Septeo Human Resources, innovation is at the heart of our vision. Each year, we reinvest 10% of our turnover in research and development to ensure that our solutions remain at the cutting edge of technology and continually offer you the best tools. 

Artificial intelligence built into every one of our solutions 

We firmly believe that HR solutions must take advantage of AI to transform today’s practices. AI is not a gadget: it’s a powerful tool that transforms the way you work.

With mpleo, every HR process becomes smarter and more efficient, with a direct impact on your organisation’s performance.

The benefits of mpleo for your company

A unique value proposition for HR professionals. Our unique value proposition for the Human Resources industry.

We have chosen the Best of Breeds approach to excel in our area of expertise while working with the best to create a complete, high-performance solution. With over 20 years’ experience, we know that the key to an effective HR tool lies in its ability to adapt to the varied needs of its users.

Our solution is based on a clear vision: to create the perfect alliance of complementary expertise to simplify and optimise your HR processes. Together, we’re building a complete, consistent and high-performance HRMS, designed to meet all your needs.

With this approach, we offer our customers :

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  • Targeted expertise for each HR function, within a single, modular HR suite under a single Septeo HR Solutions brand, covering all the functional building blocks required for an optimised HR function.
  • A fluid and uniform user experience, accessible to all levels of the organisation, from employees to managers.
  • A modular, scalable solution, capable of adapting to your company’s growth and specific needs.
  • Services: From the sales engineer to the project manager to your Customer Success Manager, we make sure we deliver a quality service. (support, technical commitments, customer satisfaction)


  • Commitments: We are committed to ensuring that our customers, employees and stakeholders in our ecosystem can be confident that our innovations and all the technological solutions we offer are in line with a world where ethics and social and environmental responsibility coexist harmoniously. (ESG)
  • A Qualiopi-certified company: Septeo Human Resources Solutions is Qualiopi-certified for the category of training activities (L.6313-1 – 1°).


Before/After mpleo  

With mpleo, you benefit from the alliance of HR software experts united to turn your HR challenges into strategic opportunities. Mpleo is a multi-specialist, modular HR software suite that meets all your needs. We offer a complete value chain that can be adapted to your organisation’s challenges.

Before mpleo After mpleo

Managers spend around 210 hours a year on performance management.

57% of skills-based organisations are better at anticipating change. 

6 to 8 months

The average time taken to take up a new position.

Améliorez vos RH avec un logiciel de recrutement comme mpleo


The proportion of recruiters who say they have difficulty tracking applications manually.

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Before mpleo After mpleo

The cost of a failed onboarding is between 100% and 300% of the employee's salary, i.e. around €7,000.

- 40%: Reduction in employee turnover in companies using a full HRMS.

Our product  

Mpleo, the HR suite from Septeo Human Resources

Mettre en place un recrutement et une intégration des talents efficace

Attract the best candidates

Find out how our mpleo HR software can transform your HR management and improve your recruitment and onboarding processes today.

Optimisez votre recrutement et votre intégration dès aujourd’hui avec mpleo

Train and Retain Talent

Our software enables you to innovate your HR practices and optimise your performance management, skills development and talent training.

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Simplify exchanges

Facilitate your exchanges and dematerialise your HR practices with a centralised solution that simplifies processes, automates administrative tasks and improves day-to-day collaboration.

Who are our clients?

Over the last 15 years, we have worked with more than 220 companies, large and small, in the public and private sectors, in a wide range of fields. We’ve worked with people who, every day, are (re)imagining and building a better future.

Whatever industry you’re in, it’s your people who drive your business forward. They (re)imagine the future and build it. They are the ones who really transform the company.

We work with many companies, large and small, in the private and public sectors, and in a wide range of industries. mpleo transforms HR management on a daily basis. Whether it’s automating time-consuming tasks, optimising team management or providing a seamless employee experience, our tools meet the real needs of businesses.

Find out why so many companies put their trust in us and how mpleo helps them successfully achieve their HR objectives.

Their feedback

notre client FACQ témoigne de son expérience avec mpleo

"Mpleo is a simple and efficient way to manage human resources on a daily basis."

Pierre-Yves Vandestrick Finance and HR Director

notre client Luxembourg Institute of Health témoigne de son expérience avec mpleo

"The right solution is one that can follow an employee's life from the moment they join the company to the moment they leave. That's essential for us."

Valérie Gavroy HR Manager

notre client INFANO témoigne de son expérience avec mpleo

"Mpleo really is a system that offers everything. They help find solutions. So it really is a partner we can move forward with."

Anja De Bot HR Director